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Mehedi Hasan Nahid

Hi, My name is Mehedi Hasan Nahid, I am a web developer.

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Digital DNA for

evolving organisations

Who Are We?


Through interactive experiences that captivate customers, new intelligence applied across every industry, function and process. Empowering digital reinvention of Industry through smart, connected, products, services, plants and workers.

learn About us

Where You See Challenges, We See Opportunity!

We help companies to chart their own digital transformation path and develop the digital strategy that best suits their business structure, needs and objectives. We develop SMART projects with agile methodologies and quick implementation and easy review, which inspires and creates a positive culture to accelerate the global digital transformation of the deal.

  • Creating a digital journey for organizations to achieve digital transformation.
  • Establishing & activating a System of Intelligence orchestrating people, process & technology.
  • Stimulating business and technology scenarios to make sound and strategic decisions.
  • Evaluating the strategy and execution for marketing initiatives and engagements.


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Digital Transformation

Our insight led process of delivering seamless digital experiences and transformation solutions.
We help companies define and reset their strategy around the customer journey in the face of change.

Growing the internal pace of change by helping our clients thrive in moments of disruption with transformation consulting, management and Strategy Audits.

  • Data Democratisation
  • Redefining Customer Care with Chatbots
  • Connected Retail
  • Pricing & Merchandising Cognitive Solution

Technology Consulting

Improve longevity, usability, functionality, and accessibility of current systems.
Legacy technologies and infrastructure shackle productivity of people, processes, and inhibit business growth leading to innovation.

We help our clients modernise legacy systems, implement new systems, and deploy modern IT infrastructure. We make systems, people, and processes future ready. As a strategic partner with extensive experience in modernisation solutions, we transform legacy systems into modern, efficient, and responsive systems improving performance, agility, and profitability.

  • Robust Business Processes
  • Accelerated Development Cycle
  • Modern Skill Sets
  • Single Vendor Experience
  • Partnership with Leading Industry Innovators

Digital Advertising & Presence

Leverage emerging technologies like the Internet of Things, Augmented Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, and Mobility to reinvent the way organizations connect with customers.
An average B2B and B2C customer these days are bombarded with hundreds of marketing messages on a daily basis. To differentiate from the noise and drive revenues, organizations need to transform marketing methodologies to create real value for customers.

Digital Marketing can longer be viewed as an adjunct to traditional marketing. Instead, organisations must create a singular strategy integrating digital channels with traditional ones to create inspired connections with customers. From defining the strategy to designing experiences and measuring impact, we help our clients communicate effectively, understand the pain points of customers, customise offerings, and enhance end-to-end customer experiences by breaking down the silos.

  • Enhance Marketing Effectiveness Through Managed Integrated Marketing Campaigns
  • Harness The Power of Digital Marketing to Effectively Address Business Goals
  • Derive Real-Time Actionable Insights to Create Personalized Product Recommendations & Offerings
  • Leverage Proximity Marketing Solutions to Meet The Customers in Their Exact Moments of Need
  • Create Enhanced Digital Experiences across All Touch-Points

Commercial Print and Design

From creating an offset-printed catalog to unique custom embroidered wearables, we’ve got you covered.
Our unique approach to commercial printing and graphic design has resulted in high-impact printing solutions – whether it be for labeling & packaging, marketing collateral, large format display printing and trade show graphics, to mailers and postcards.

We offer the design services you may need for a brochure, web page or custom sign to the printing services of any of your marketing or promotional material. Our design and printing services are extremely affordable. We have the flexibility to use multiple different printing solutions.

  • 6 Colour Offset Printing
  • UV Offset Printing
  • In-Line UV or Aqueous Coating
  • 4 Process (CMYK) Plus 2 Spot Printing
  • Spot UV/Drip-off Varnish

Managed Infrastructure & Security Services

Disruptive technologies are a key driver of innovation and efficiency, business priorities change quickly and the customers often struggle to catch up.
We deliver innovative managed infrastructure services, along with managed security services using both cloud and traditional technologies, combined with collective business, technical and industry expertise.

IT organizations continually need new ways to reduce costs and work efficiently while ensuring quality and security. As a result, enterprises are adopting managed infrastructure services and undergoing rapid IT transformations to build business models that adapt to Mobile Computing, Cloud Computing, Big Data, and Social Collaboration. To eliminate security concerns when adopting new technologies, businesses also rely on infrastructure security services from managed security service provides. But most managed security service providers do not deliver a complete solution that incorporates both infrastructure security services and managed security services.

  • Data Center & Cloud Managed Services
  • Remote Desktop Managed Services
  • Unified Communications
  • Managed Security Services
  • Managed Infrastructure Services

Digital Marketing Driven By Customer Insight

Digital experiences create micro experiences that win undying loyalty of employees and customers alike.
Technology-enabled dynamic and complex interaction of people, businesses, and intelligent “things” has broken the age-old barriers.

We help our clients adopt an insight led process for creating seamless digital experiences across multiple channels. High-touch convergent experiences that are human, insightful, and data-driven transform customer and employee journeys. Then predictive analytics enables contextual, customised, and proactive initiatives that earn undying loyalty.

  • Digitally Enhanced Omnichannel Experiences
  • Augmented Customer Understanding
  • Complete Path-to-Purchase Analysis
  • Highly Customised Offerings & Recommendations
  • AI Powered Predictive Analytics

Innovation-led Application Services

Ignite ingenuity of things to inspire truly connected smart living, smart industries, and smart enterprises.
Connect assets, operations/logistics, and services to deliver truly connected experiences.

We help our clients integrate the right applications, derive inspired insights, and choose the best-fit platforms. Seamlessly integrated solutions with existing enterprise architecture transform business processes. Then scalable connectivity enablers drive incremental growth.

  • Smart Enterprise
  • Smart Living
  • Smart Industries

Intelligent Supply Chains & Agile Operations

Increasing conversion rates and maximizing business goals by planning, coding and deploying measurement frameworks.
Reimagine your application estate to ensure product and service quality, enhance operational efficiency, and boost profits.

Enable application-centric transformation and morph into the future of digital business. Balancing forward thinking ideas with cohesive strategies, we create customised digital enabled applications roadmap for our clients. Objective focus on innovation empowers the entire application lifecycle, delivering reliable, robust, scalable, and economical applications that accelerate digital value creation.

  • Complete Enterprise Architecture Redesign
  • Transformational Content Management Strategy
  • Advanced Omnichannel Capabilities
  • Unique Purpose Built Applications
  • Open Source Technologies

What Our Happy Clients Say About Us.

“ Excellent service, extremely efficient and quick ”

We at Herman Teas have been dealing with Kromozome Business Solutions for past 6 years, excellent service, extremely efficient and quick. All the Best for the future!


Mr David Manickam

General Manager - Herman Teas

“ Fully professional approach and engagement ”

Leon, and his team delivered us a system for internal communiques, mainly for the purpose of engaging the staff with the Managing Director's new vision, and the changes with which the Bank was to move forward. Emphasis on the fact that Kromozome BS was right on schedule, meeting with all deadlines imposed, as well as fully professional in their approach and engagement with the team.


Sampath Bank


“ We are elated and a 100% satisfied ”

Kromozome BS managed to deliver an easy to manage, fully automated ticketing and helpdesk solution for us, which we pretty much went live with within days after the initial discussions were made. Not only did they beat the timeline, but also fully supported the staff with training, and provided extended maintenance on the system. We are elated and a 100% satisfied with their service.


Pan Oceanic Bank


“ Our one-stop-shop ”

Kromozome BS took over the huge burden of automating both our offices in Sri Lanka, as well as abroad. To name a few tasks that they undertook are, Email migration, Cloud provisioning of Systems and Web Hosting. Since our humble beginnings, Kromozome BS has been our one-stop-shop for all of our commercial printing needs as well.


Anupiya Alwis

Aelan Digital Services

“ One of the most patient & tolerant teams ”

Ceylon Cleaners has been working with Kromozone for over an year. This team headed by Leon is one of the most patient and tolerant teams we have worked with. They are ready to hear you ideas and always ready to incorporate them in the work and designs.


Ceylon Cleaners


Our Clients